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Introducing Polywoven Strapping

Stronger and More Durable Than Metal Strapping: With a breaking strain of 1100kg, polywoven strapping securely holds all beehive components together as a single unit.

Soft and Easy to Handle: Unlike metal strapping, it is lightweight, user-friendly, and gentle on the hands, making hive management more convenient.

Long-Lasting and Reliable: Resistant to fatigue and wear, polywoven strapping can be used repeatedly without breaking, offering superior durability for beekeeping needs.

Polywoven Strapping 19mm 500m Roll

Regular price $139.99
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Introducing Polywoven Strapping

Stronger and More Durable Than Metal Strapping: With a breaking strain of 1100kg, polywoven strapping securely holds all beehive components together as a single unit.

Soft and Easy to Handle: Unlike metal strapping, it is lightweight, user-friendly, and gentle on the hands, making hive management more convenient.

Long-Lasting and Reliable: Resistant to fatigue and wear, polywoven strapping can be used repeatedly without breaking, offering superior durability for beekeeping needs.

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