How Our Software Works - HiveIQ AU

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How our software works

A diagram showing the flow of information on the HiveIQ software. It shows the from Sites, data flows down to apiaries, and down to hives after that.
An image of the HiveiQ logo with the slogan 'Beeta 1.0'.
The HiveiQ software is an enterprise platform for beekeepers, whether you're just getting started, a keen hobbyist, a small business or a large commerical beekeeper.

Beeta 1.0 is our first release, we will be progressively improving our software with your feedback and releasing new hobbyist and professional modules throughout 2023 and beyond.

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Why beeta?

The HiveIQ beeta program is our way of ensuring we make the best software for hobbyist and professional beekeepers alike, it has a lot of modules and moving parts...

So we need your input to tell us what works, what doesn't and what has the most impact on improving your beekeeping experience and business.

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