Our Software - HiveIQ AU

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The HiveIQ Beeta 1.0 release is now open to everyone, everywhere...

An image of 5 phones showing the HiveIQ software. The first phone shows the login page for the app, the second phone shows the home page, the third phone shows a map with the locations of different apiaries, the fourth phone shows the a detailed view of a specific apiary, and the fifth phone shows specific details of a single hive.

You can use the HiveiQ beeta software for hobbyist or professional beekeeping.

Our beeta program is free through to 1 July 2023, after that it will be $5 per month with additional charges for some professional modules. All of your data and content will be there if you choose to keep using our software. 

A photograph of a tablet displaying the HiveIQ software, with the screen showing a page that demonstrates how the software works. This image highlights the user-friendly nature of HiveIQ software, enabling beekeepers to easily monitor their beehives and make informed decisions based on the data collected.

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Why beeta?

The HiveIQ beeta program is our way of ensuring we make the best software for hobbyist and professional beekeepers alike, it has a lot of modules and moving parts...

So we need your input to tell us what works, what doesn't and what has the most impact on improving your beekeeping experience and business.

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