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Introducing the Beehive Stand

Robust and Durable Construction: Crafted from high-quality metal, the Beehive Stand provides exceptional strength and longevity, offering a secure and stable foundation for your hives.

Elevated Design for Hive Protection: Raises your hives off the ground to safeguard them from moisture, pests, and debris, while making inspections and maintenance easier for the beekeeper.

Essential for All Beekeepers: Designed to hold 2 three-storey beehive kits, this stand is a must-have accessory for both beginners and experienced apiarists, promoting hive health and productivity.

Beehive Stand (With Powder Coated Legs)

Regular price $197.49
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Introducing the Beehive Stand

Robust and Durable Construction: Crafted from high-quality metal, the Beehive Stand provides exceptional strength and longevity, offering a secure and stable foundation for your hives.

Elevated Design for Hive Protection: Raises your hives off the ground to safeguard them from moisture, pests, and debris, while making inspections and maintenance easier for the beekeeper.

Essential for All Beekeepers: Designed to hold 2 three-storey beehive kits, this stand is a must-have accessory for both beginners and experienced apiarists, promoting hive health and productivity.

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